We Help REALTORS® Scale To The Top 1% Closing 30 Plus Deals Per Year With Automated Marketing Systems That Saves Them Time & Money

...Using Database Nurturing & Lead Automation Marketing Systems That Predictably Generates NEW Leads & Referrals, Converts Them Into Qualified Prospects & Books Them Automatically Into Your Calendar. NO Cold Calling, Door Knocking, or Having to Buy Zillow Leads.

Step 1: Watch The FREE Video Below To Discover How

Step 2: Choose a Demo Package 




Let's Partner With You & Scale Your Business To 30 Plus Deals Per Year


Do YOU want to FILL your calendar with 15-20 Appointments With Buyers and Sellers Each Month by spending less than 1 hour each day all while eliminating cold calling, door knocking, or spending THOUSANDS on Marketing?

Do you need help organizing your database and executing on PROVEN touch point strategies that can generate you a constant lead flow from past clients and sphere of influence?

If so, then continue reading.

Our system is perfect for any real estate agent, broker, or team leader looking to generate leads and clients in a predictable way through automation and are sick and tired of paying thousands to marketing companies who promise high quality leads but don’t deliver.

Perhaps you are in a slump right now and you want to find a way to predictably grow your real estate business with consistent appointments and warm leads. 

I know that you’re probably reading the headline thinking it’s a bit exaggerated but that doesn’t imply it's not true. 

With our system, you WILL literally start getting Leads as soon as you are fully set up and in some cases appointments the same day.

Look, I'm a licensed realtor and I've been making a consistent 6 figure income from real estate for the past decade. I know exactly what it takes to succeed. It's takes real grit and a constant grind to be in this business. I know exactly HOW YOU FEEL

Let me be honest with you. Right now, I don't want to trade. I don't want to show houses, put signs on lawns, negotiate seller contracts, conduct buyer and listing presentations, or even Cash in some BIG COMMISSION cheques. 

You might think I'm crazy, but hear me out. 

I've come to the realization that at this point in my career, I want to take the passenger seat and be a partner for realtors who still have the desire and drive to sell real estate. 

I want to focus my efforts on internet marketing, creating lead generation systems, converting paid traffic to deals, and helping realtors maximize their database so they can get a constant flow of referrals and repeat business. 

I want to help that realtor who's too busy and cannot stay on top of all their prospecting and marketing efforts get the leverage and efficiency they need

Yes, I want to make the calls to your database for you, I want to organize and automate your touch points, I want to send out your newsletters, automate your texts and emails, even help you build your social media brand and presence. 

Oh wait, I didn't tell you huh? 

I currently give away ALL my referrals. Yes, all of them! In exchange for a commission split. 

I do not want to do the deals, but I want to get the leads, qualify them and book those appointments for you. 

Wait, why am I doing all this you ask?

Simply put, LEVERAGE! I want to provide you leverage and also have leverage for myself. I want to start travelling the world and start experiencing new things. I want to be able to run my business from the comfort of my own home or in a hotel room. 

I want to spend more time with my kids, while perfecting my new hobby of trading the financial markets. There's so much I want to do, to explore, and experience. 

I want that FREEDOM, but I still want to be apart of the real estate sales process, get new clients and close deals. 

So you see, to me it's a win win. 

I'm not looking to make deals or earn commissions, I'm looking to HELP YOU do that. If you don't make sales, guess what? I'm out of business and I can say bye bye to my travelling dreams. 

I'm super motivated to get you into the top 1% and I can. Because I know HOW! And hey, I want the bragging rights too. I've been on top producing teams for most of my career and consistently in the top 10%. I don't know nothing else. You get to leverage that experience for a fraction of the cost.  

So look through my website, watch my presentation, observe what I have to offer, and if it makes sense to you, book your call with me. Let's have a strategy session and see if there's room for us to work together. But HURRY, I'm only working with 20 agents to start so spaces are limited.




System creates efficiency. Our marketing systems are designed to help make your work flow easier and faster. Once set up, you don't have to spend a lot of time micro managing it. As your marketing partner, we aim to create systems that will help set the right foundation to help you scale and grow. 



We implement the right technological tools and strategies to help streamline your business. We'll use these tools to setup systems related to your day to day activities and make it easier for you to serve clients and close transactions. Skip the learning curve, save time, and reserve your energy to what matters most. 



After you have the systems and tools in place, the next step is to automate your processes. Once automated, we'll optimize your system by testing different elements to see if we can get better results.  The real estate market is ever evolving so there will always be room for improvement.

Done With You & For You Model


We set everything up for you and then teach you on how to manage it

As a real estate agent, fresh new leads are your life line. Once they dry out, you’re going out of business. We make sure that doesn’t happen

Consistent flow of highly qualified leads booked into your calendar and placed into your CRM for you to nurture  

Automated email and text message drip campaigns to warm up your leads 

We Equip You With Tools 


We provide the Ad copies, scripts, targeted campaigns, retargeting campaigns, training, and much more

You'll have your very own remote virtual assistant to double confirm and prequalify your appointments to gather information about your prospects and referrals prior to your first meeting. 

We help you build your list of testimonials, social proof and google reviews

Help integrate your content creation and social media presence into your automated systems to help you connect with your prospects and referrals. 

How It Works

A Quick Snap Shot Of Our Process

Marketing Systems & Growth


Our Systems Are Designed For

Busy Agents Looking To Outsource Their Marketing & Gain Efficiency

Agents Looking For A Proven System To Generate Quality Leads Online

Agents Who Need Help Organizing & Nurturing Their Database

Agents already closing Some Transactions 

Agents Who Desire a Proven Touch Point System & Connectivity Plan

Agents Who Want Automation Systems To Save Time & Net More Money


01. Customized Strategy & Design


A deep dive into your current business operations, results, and future goals. To help tailor our proven marketing system to your current business model. Highly targeted buyer and seller leads generated by our Facebook ad campaigns that's professionally managed for you. 

02. Sales Systems & Tools


Once we establish your most ideal model, we'll setup the sales systems, automations, follow ups, and all the tools you'll need to get high quality leads and create efficiency. So you can spend majority of your time going on appointments and servicing clients. An easy to manage sales operations in a box.

03. System Automation & Testing


Once everything is set up. The next step is to allow the system to work, making necessary tweaks and changes along the way. The main objective is to remove the kinks, and further customize the system if need be to ensure it's effectiveness and efficiency for your business.

04. System Optimization & Scale


Your systems are now all up and running smoothly. Further optimization to increase conversion and performance while scaling the current model to generate more leads, appointments, and sales. This is where we'll combine your content strategy to show personality and get your prospects to know, like and trust you.


Create Marketing Systems

Plug into our proven marketing system customized to your business.


Automate The Systems

Automation is the key to leverage and scaling your business on autopilot.


Optimize Them For Growth

We'll optimize your customized marketing system so you get the best results. 


Didn't Find What You're Looking For? Still Have Questions?

Email us at [email protected] 

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